Saturday, February 02, 2013

Pick up phrases

LG: Babe what"s wrong with your hand?
LP: -looks at my hand- Huh? what?...
LG: It's missing a ring.
Its been a year and a month and he still never fails at surprising me... and yet I still seem to struggle surprising him, which really sucks haah. I got a really nice surprise from babe this weekend~~ he got me really pretty necklace and also wrote me a letter that I really really liked... It was super sweet and cute and made me feel really happy because he doesn't write these sort of things often hehe.

Today we went to the temple to volunteer for the Lunar New Year festival. The event and place brings back so many good memories we shared haha it was really nice.... just sitting there eating and saying "Oh remember when we use to share food..." and so on lol. We ended up getting matching keychains :D hehe theyre so cute!!
I went to McDonalds by myself afterwards to wait for my ride and I ran into his mother! Surprising thing was, when she saw me she actually smiled, waved and said hello!... To be honest, after that.... I'm not as scared of her anymore...which I guess is a good thing :)

I had a really nice weekend, sleeping over, seeing him for two days in a row, just watching movies and everything. Gets me excited for our future together :D hehe
busing home to see hubby! 

was trying to take a picture and this
tourist just gets in my way.... LOL jk

EHEHE SO CUTE!!!... two little
snakes for the year of the snake...
thought to me they look like green
mushroom caps on green poop.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Babe came back from University on our first year. :D we went to go watch a movie for the first time in ages, it was quite fun and we got to see each other. I got gifts but i kinda felt bad because I didn't get any gifts for her.. DD: It was really heart warming to be able to see her for the rest of her break. We were both talking about how she only goes home to shower and she comes to my house more often than she is at home heh :D I am really glad we were able to hang out for 4 days in a row and it was quite amazing :D i just wait till she comes back home for next week. So that we can actually get some of our plans done :D We finally made new bracelets for out One Year, they turned out better than I expected.



P.S. I'm really glad that we were able to meet because I really had an amazing one year :D

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Break Day 2

I don't even know what happened today... but it was a really fun day. So many laughs and random moments while doing such improved and normal things like morning latte runs and shooting some hoops after school. Ended the day by trekking to the Superstore and pigging out on a bag of chips (1000 cals right there... sh*t) we found on sale... Pretty much it hahaha but it was the most random fun day we've had in a while haha.

Going skating tomorrow! Hopefully the plan falls through.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Loh Poh: Yesterday, I had a dream that that made me very mad for some reason. I just woke up really pissed.

Loh Gung: Would cuddling fix it?

Loh Poh: Maybe... I don't night, might not. What would you do if I woke up really mad?

Loh Gung: I'd give you a kiss, mwah~ and say "I'm mad too. Madly in love with you." Would that made you not mad?

Loh Poh: I'd hit you and burry my face in you from embarrassment.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Its been a while! Neglected this for quite some time, but I've been busy with university and babe just never thought of anything to post here so its just me right now!
Its been good though. Been hanging out with LG every weekend when i come home and last week he came over to visit me after my Saturday exam and stayed over (⌒0⌒)/~~.
Yesterday we went biking and ended up window shopping at home outfitters which was really nice, because it felt like we were living together already haha oh and babe would make a pretty good house wife lmao... he spent his time looking at kitchen appliances and vacuums lmao. Hmm well yea, even with me being slightly further away from babe, its been working out quite well, or id say so (^_^ゞ

Hehe i like my new phone wallpaper (^з^)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Skype Nights with My Cutie!

Now that I moved for university, I only get to see loh gung once a week D: !.. twice if I'm lucky!
So Skype dates it is!

He's using his charms and cuteness, being all troll like again, tempting me to miss him even more than I already do. FUUUUUUU LOL! Just kidding~~ I love youu ♥.

Hugs and kisses for Rilakkuma and none for the wifey :'c


Saturday, September 01, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


painting numero 2! out of pure boredom once again.